2015 at The Whisky Bond

It’s been a very exciting year here at TWB. We’ve seen a huge number of talented Glasgow based creatives, manufacturers, tech specialists and more move into new studio spaces in the building. We have enjoyed a variety of different events including the first ever Graphic Design Festival Scotland, PechaKucha nights, our annual summer party and some great exhibitions in the GSS gallery space.

We’re looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings to the building and our neighbourhood. There are already several great events in the pipeline and to give you an idea of what some people in the building are getting up to, we asked some of our studio holders about their plans for 2015!

Design agency

2015 is looking pretty busy. Below is a mock-up of a branding project that will be going live in January. Juice Warrior are a Glasgow based team making raw cold pressed juice. They have 24 different flavours in their range.

juice warrior

I’m also working on a number of print based projects for Scottish CanalsOther projects include a Dyslexia awareness campaign for a Minneapolis based charity. January will also see my third collaboration with letterpress printers Glasgow Press.


IC Mobile Lab
Software company

2015 is so far looking exciting as we will be creating a 5-aside football app for a well-known beverage company and of course continue to play our daily table tennis challenges if anyone is ever interested! We have just completed an augmented reality Santa Claus app for children who are ill in Yorkhill Hospital to try and lift up their spirits this Christmas.

ic mobile lab santa


Laser cutting & CNC Studio

Early next year the furniture design collaboration between us, David Ross Design and Bespoke Atelier will go into production ready for the launch in The Lighthouse in February, the designs are still in the early stages and we are all looking forward to seeing the finished results. 

10257865_697919813608591_7169775255382346217_o[Image: David Ross Design]

We have quite a few projects with GSS Studio holders for different galleries across Glasgow in the first half of the year, as well as quite a few of the new TWB tenants and are making the most of our larger studio and are negotiating with new materials suppliers and maybe expanding our machinery again next year, so watch this space!


Creative agency

We are working on a project just now called Agile City which will establish an independent platform for partnership research and education projects. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of how cultural and community projects in the urban realm can be more responsive to the people and communities for which they are intended and produce sustainable outcomes.

We have been shortlist for interview for the Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship and will hopefully be traveling to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Berlin, New York, Toronto, San Fransisco and LA to research interesting projects and make connections.

My Bookcase
Social enterprise

2014 was a big year for My Bookcase, and we are now hard at work preparing for the launch of our new site in Spring 2015. This innovative platform will allow individuals to catalogue and share the contents of their own bookshelves, and arrange to meet and borrow books from others in their locality.

In order to create this experimental site we are inviting readers, book lovers and like-minded individuals and organisations to sign up to our newsletter, and be the first to hear about how to get involved in the project: www.mybookcase.org
