Maryhill Community Garden

Maryhill-community-garden-2In late Spring of last year, a piece of unused land in the grounds of The Whisky Bond was leased to the Maryhill Climate Challenge – a community led project actively reducing carbon emissions in the North West of Glasgow by increasing home energy efficiency and access to low carbon food. The project aims to improve healthy eating, reduce fuel poverty, improve biodiversity and the quality of the built environment by promoting a low-carbon lifestyle.

Maryhill community garden 3With an incredibly small budget of grants and donations, the MCC began transform the empty stalled space they were leased into a community garden for a number of local groups including the local nursery, elderly residents and after school clubs.


A year later and with help from volunteers, the Glasgow Sculpture Studios and Glasgow Wood Recycling, the once derelict piece of land is now a flourishing green space with a large variety of fresh vegetables, fruit and wildflowers growing in the recycled whisky barrels and handmade raised planters made using bulk sacks filled with drainage and growing medium, supported by discarded scaffolding planks.


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In addition to improving biodiversity, the MCC use the community garden to host educational sessions and number of other fun activities that aim to create awareness and teach people of all ages how to grow their own fresh and healthy produce- these include food growing lessons, composting lessons and sustainable cookery lessons.

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The community garden is open to all members of the community and the Maryhill Climate Challenge encourage new people to get involved. If you are interested in volunteering with the upkeep of the garden or attending classes then please contact


Maryhill Climate Challenge Website
Join the MCC Facebook page