Mood is Matter / Temperature is Taken GSS Exhibition Preview

Mood-is-Matter-opening-9There was a great turn out on Friday for the preview of Mood is Matter / Temperature is Taken, a group exhibition curated by Quinn Latimer that considers the dual strategies of craft and appropriation among a current generation of artists working at Glasgow Sculpture Studios.

Quinn Latimer is an American writer and curator based in Basel, Switzerland. She is the author of Rumored Animals (2012) and Sarah Lucas: Describe This Distance (2013). Her writing also appears in ArtforumFrieze, The Paris Review, and many artist monographs and critical anthologies. Recent curatorial projects include “Emmy Moore’s Journal: An Exhibition Based on a Letter in a Short Story by Jane Bowles,” an exhibition she organised at SALTS, Basel, in 2013.

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IMG_5737Work by GSS artists Rachel Adams, Jennifer Bailey, Sarah Forrest, Jenny Lewis, Tessa Lynch, Lorna Macintyre, Niall MacDonald , Natalie McGowan, James McLardy, Lauren Printy Currie, Clara Ursitti and Zoe Williams is on show at the exhibition.

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The exhibition is on show until the 6th of September in the Glasgow Sculpture Studios gallery space.

Glasgow Sculpture Studios website
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