Summer Party 2014

The Whisky Bond’s second annual Summer Party took place on the 30th of August.  There was a fantastic turn out for the event which hosted free workshops and creative activities led by tenants and friends of The Whisky Bond.

TWB-summer-party-2014-1These included a micro hack event and screening in the Distillery by CycleHack which encouraged guests to think about the barriers to cycling in a city and come up with innovative solutions, then take their ideas to the next stage by creating prototypes & samples.

TWB-summer-party-2014-2Depot Arts set up a Teepee in the garden where kids of all ages go to try out a variety of printing styles including block printing, stamping and stencilling.

TWB-summer-party-2014-3Following on from their successful Design Dinner, Show Me Yours were back to ask more questions. Outside in The Whisky Bond’s container, the team encouraged guests to join in a communal drawing experience as well as leave notes on their insider knowledge wall.


Siobhan Healy allowed guests to try their hand at glass blowing in the Glasgow Sculpture Studios.

TWB-summer-party-2014-7Flux welcomed people to drop into their studio for demos in CNC and laser cutting. They also created over-sized Connect 4 for the garden.

TWB-summer-party-2014-8Guests got to take a trip on GSS’s Creative Cargo barge in the late afternoon sun.

TWB-summer-party-2014-9 TWB-summer-party-2014-11TWB-summer-party-2014-10Piece cooked up some delights on a custom made barbecue made by GSS.

TWB-summer-party-2014-12Hausfrau gave a wonderful vocal performance in the GSS gallery space accompanied by visuals from exhibiting artist Natalie McGowana’s response to Mood is Made, Temperature is Taken.

TWB-summer-party-2014-13 TWB-summer-party-2014-14Night of the Jaguar and Duncan Ballantyne (Tiger’s Milk Records) played tropical records downstairs and ensured guests stuck around to dance the night away.
